Blog Entry #4

Adjetive, Adverb and Noun Clauses I s importan, f irstly, to state the simple difference between the two types of clauses which are the Independent Clause and the Dependent Clause. Independent Clause is the part of the sentence that can stand by itself and the Dependent Clause can not . Now, the clauses formed by dependent and independent clauses: *An adjetive clause: Is a clause that describes a noun or a pronoun. For example: - The dog, which my sister adopted, was beautiful. - I visited Puerto viejo last year, where I met new friends . *An adverb clause: Is a clause that modifies a verb, an adjetive or an adverb. For example: - I couldn't go because It was raining too much. - My homework will be ready, as soon as I understand the topic . *A Noun Clause: Is a clause used as a noun. It can be also use in the next different ways: as a sibject, direct object, indirect object, object or a preposi...